🐙⛪ Octopus Church

Octopus Church is a regular virtual gathering, focused on topics around being human in the real world, conscious use of technology in the digital world, and having fun!

The next Octopus Church service is on October 5 at 6pm EDT. The topic will be “What does community mean to you?” My sense is a lot of us say we want “community” but we all mean different things. Let’s chat about what our current communities look like, and paint a picture of our desired communities, and inspire each other to dream. Here are some prompts to get us thinking.

  • What does community mean to you?
  • What do your current communities look like? (Online, in person, other types?)
  • What does your dream community look like?
    • A neighborhood, a commune, a compound, a cult…
    • Neighbors who help you with day to day stuff? Friends for your kids?
    • Do you have shared values and belief systems? What are they?
  • What are you doing to create you community dream?

Sign up to the Healing Octopus newsletter here to get the invite, video call info, and future invites.